...Leigh Arnold! Clodagh Delaney on RTE's The Clinic!

Ok Leigh, here are some silly little rapid fire questions for ya so our reader's and the whole Cineal Saoil family can get to know you a little better!
5 things you won't leave the house without?
1. make up bag

2. credit card

3. blackberry

4. car keys

5. Jack, my Yorkshire terrier

Last Book You Read?
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. It is a literary masterpiece and i thoroughly recommend it.

Last Thing That Made You Laugh Out Loud?
A joke that i heard in work the other day.... whats green and smells of pork??? Kermits finger!! i know very bold but i thought it was hilarious!!

Last Movie You Saw?
The Lives of Others......brilliant!!

Last Bit of Advice or Saying That Stuck With You?
Feel the fear and do it anyway!!!!!!!!!!

A nice hot bubble bath with scented candles and chill out music playing in the background...