
Go raibh maith agaibh!

Thank you so much to the beautiful and always lovely Laura Toogood for her shout out to our wee site in her LIFE mag piece! It means the absolute world!
Thank you to all the lovely ladies and gents who have taken time to answer questions and assist in posts in anyway!
I started this blog cause I felt like it was something Ireland was missing, a site dedicated to the FAB parts and people of his island and a place to dish on it all! I love working on it ad getting to know more about different people through the process!
My summer has been a bit crazy with work, travel and life in general (as I'm sure every one's is!), so I am sorry for my lack of posting of late and assure that with the onset of Fall and in the next week or two I will be back on top form with loads more stuff to talk about it!
One really big thank you to everyone who stops in and checks out the site. This blog is a hobby for me and it is so cool that other people take the time to read it! In less than three months of existence Cineál Saoil has gotten OVER 7500 page views which is just staggering to me!
So thank you once again to everybody for the encouragement, help and support and as always; watch this space more news, gos and fabulosity to follow!!