Every week I will post a feature on one of the country's more gorgeous and prominent young models that we all know and love. They'll answer questions on life, the industry, style and fashion as well as questions you would like to send in and have answered by a model!
This week's spotlight is on the sweetest of ladies, Miss Nadia Forde!

Oh that is a hard one!! I've travelled to really nice places like Germany and Marbella for shoots and of course all over Ireland! I was in Paris YEARS ago for a Hair Show, it was so beautiful! We even had a boat ride on the Seine river, it was so romantic even though all the guys I was working with there with weren't straight!!

That we dont eat, we do....ALOT!!! ...People judge me before they meet me...

I'm not a big party girl at all, although I love girly nights out. I love taking it easy on the weekend and having early nights in! I'm such a granny! Most of the nights out, I'm probably working at the event.
What do you like to do when you aren't working, how or where do you go to chill out?

I love removing my makeup!! On most days off I'm just vegging out catching up on cheesy programmes that I love like 'Whose Wedding Is It Anyway?'and I also watch 'Ghost Whisperer' and of course 'The Hills'...I also sleep loads, probably too much!!

What is the most LUXE item in your personal wardrobe?
I have few pairs of expensive shoes so they would prob be the most 'LUXE' and a few dresses but, I live in my jeans!!

5 Things You Will Not Leave the House Without?
-Baby wipes!!Im addicted to them they are the best invention ever!!-

-My phone-


-Makeup bag (if I'm going to a job)-

-Pair of Ballet Pumps-

FAV place in the whole wide world?
The Ritz in Wicklow, it feels like your in a different country when your down there it really is amazing!
FAV smell

New car smell or, I love mens aftershave more then womens perfume!

FAV junk food
Rich tea biscuits!!Ben and Jerry's choc fudge brownie/choc fudge cake

Rasberry Collins

FAV Lipgloss
"Mac 'BigKiss'
How do you stay in Shape? Aoife 15 Co.Kerry
I'm really lazy when it comes to working out but I try go for a walk 2 or 3 times a week, and I dont eat bread its so bad for your stomach...its so hard to resist sometimes though!!

How do I get my makeup to stay all day long without smearing? Monica 16 Dingle
I use alot of Mac Studio Fix Powder to keep my makeup in place and DUO EyeLash Glue is really strong to keep lashes secure.
Which products do you use to keep your face clear?Sharon 15 Limerick
I try use as little as possible. The less chemicals and simpler the product, the better for my skin. But everyones skin is different, it's best to stick to what works for you, No7 Repair and Protect is a great moisturiser for many skin types.
www.misslili.net - photos Lili Forberg
Next week we will spend a little time with the FAB Suzanne McCabe! Can't Wait!