
Love 'em or Hate 'em? Metrosexuals Edition...

Is it me or are there far too many over styled 'faux hawks' floating around Dublin? I'm getting really tired of the over groomed/over styled men bopping around our capital and even now spreading into the far reaches of the country.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for the entire male population to walk around looking like some sort of Pat Shortt character in a tattered old black button down shirts and some cream wranglers! But, come on lads, leave the hair products and tanning beds to us!
Upon researching this Irish Girly-Man Phenomenon I came to find that this is a 2500 year old Irish Tradition! Seriously!
In fact, the first examples of Iron Aged hair gel and 'man'icures were found here, in the bogs of Eire, on savagely murdered mummies just outside of Dub! (If you don't believe me, click that National Geographic link above- they never tell a lie!)
Now I almost feel slightly unpatriotic for not embracing this look fully but what can I say? I like man to be...well, a man!