
2 Minutes With....

...Anne Morgan! The fab Miss Morgan is an Assets model, studying for a degree in Psychotherapy and Director of Absolute School of Modeling...check them out
5 things you won't leave the house without? 1. Laser card
2. iphone 3. Makeup 4. Chewing gum 5. Perfume Last book you read? Unfortunately nothing exciting! As I’m currently studying for my Masters it would be one of Sigmund Freud’s or something academic, I never have time to read anything else! Last thing that made you laugh out loud?
A text message from a friend who clearly knew what she was talking about - "How are boyfriends like lawn mowers? They're hard to get started, they emit noxious odors, and half the time they don't work."
Latest reality show you are hooked on?
I love 'The Hills' but whether its ‘reality’ or not is debatable, failing that, 'Americas Next Top Model'…addictive! Last song you downloaded to your ipod?
Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling….such a feel good song
Last movie you saw?
Duplicity – made so much better by the fact that it starred the gorgeous Clive Owen! Last bit of advice or saying that stuck with you?
"People are always going to form an opinion of you so don’t get caught up in what they may think, they will think it anyway !" Best way to chill out?
A nice jacuzzi bath followed by an early night cuddled up in front of the TV with my boyfriend….simple yet so effective!