
CeLaGuTiTe Rank 27.7.09-3.8.09

Hey there, it has been a while since I did a rank - my own busyness and not the fact that Dublin's it girls haven't been out and about being fab, cause they certainly have! Let's go folks! Number FIVE this week is RTE's glam sweetheart Grainne Seoige. As one of the guests of honour at the Race Ball last Friday, pics of Grainne looking oh so glam were all over the place - even we had to exclaim her ferocity (below) the moment we saw the snap! As a born and bred Galway girl she was all over the race week events, just days after we'd been hearing she was a main contender to take over as permanent hos of The Panel. This lady has still TOTALLY got it. FOUR is Total Xposure contestant Ruth O'Neil. Miss O'Neil has always been on the scene but her Xposure exposure has elevated her status to new heights and I fore one, feel like I am noticing more and more of her modeling work that I hadn't before now that she is on the telly every week. This week's THREE is Louise Kavanagh. It's summer, it's bikini time (even if it isn't bikini weather )and I think it is safe to say that there are very few ladies on this little island of ours who not only fill a bikini like Louise but have no shame is doing so-anytime, any place! We think Louise is great and a natural born hustler baby! Make that money!! At number TWO we have the ethereal Daniella Moyles. Is it me or is losing Total Xposure the best thing to happen to that girl? Don't get me wrong it is a terrific gig and good on ya to whoever scores the coveted role but, the whole country has seen this beauties talent and we think there are nothing but big things is Daniella's future! Number ONE is old standby and just about every one's favourtie, Glenda Gilson. Glenda's charm, wit and bod are enough to get her headlines and column inches but lately it is her are they-aren't they love life/hott and cold personal life that has everyone so intrigued. Not worried though, Glenda is a lady and the last person we see becoming defined by the relationship she is or isn't in. Rounding out the top ten is as follows; 10 the leggy HAYLEY ROCK, 9 snake charming EMMA QUINLAN, 8 Miss Universe-e;ect DIANA DONELLY ,7 Industry insider MICHELLE McGRATH 6 the always fab ROSANNA DAVISON.