
Una La La...

Irish Lass Una Healy's works rock hard totally fab bikini bod on a Caribbean holiday with the rest of her band mates in a french cut floral bikini. Maybe we're just playing favourites but we find this way sexier than another Celtic chanteuse's bra-less look earlier in the week....do love her shoes though!


The World's Luckiest Irishman?

Brian McFadden of course! Sure his career has more than stalled of late but he is still uber rich, has a totally hot fiance and got away from this train wreck before it went totally off the rails!

Get your kids run Brian!


Sen. Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy February 22, 1932 – August 25, 2009
A great friend to Ireland and the Irish Cause.



Have You Seen This Puppy? Her name is Candy, she has gone missing in the Monkstown Area! If so please contact me ASAP at miss.emeraldapple@gmail.com!

Go raibh maith agaibh!

Thank you so much to the beautiful and always lovely Laura Toogood for her shout out to our wee site in her LIFE mag piece! It means the absolute world!
Thank you to all the lovely ladies and gents who have taken time to answer questions and assist in posts in anyway!
I started this blog cause I felt like it was something Ireland was missing, a site dedicated to the FAB parts and people of his island and a place to dish on it all! I love working on it ad getting to know more about different people through the process!
My summer has been a bit crazy with work, travel and life in general (as I'm sure every one's is!), so I am sorry for my lack of posting of late and assure that with the onset of Fall and in the next week or two I will be back on top form with loads more stuff to talk about it!
One really big thank you to everyone who stops in and checks out the site. This blog is a hobby for me and it is so cool that other people take the time to read it! In less than three months of existence Cineál Saoil has gotten OVER 7500 page views which is just staggering to me!
So thank you once again to everybody for the encouragement, help and support and as always; watch this space more news, gos and fabulosity to follow!!


Just asking but.....

....does anyone give a toss about this lady?


Many Happy Wishes to Andrea Corr and Her New Fella! Nothing but the best for this Irish beauty and the new hubs!


Love 'em or Hate 'em? Metrosexuals Edition...

Is it me or are there far too many over styled 'faux hawks' floating around Dublin? I'm getting really tired of the over groomed/over styled men bopping around our capital and even now spreading into the far reaches of the country.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for the entire male population to walk around looking like some sort of Pat Shortt character in a tattered old black button down shirts and some cream wranglers! But, come on lads, leave the hair products and tanning beds to us!
Upon researching this Irish Girly-Man Phenomenon I came to find that this is a 2500 year old Irish Tradition! Seriously!
In fact, the first examples of Iron Aged hair gel and 'man'icures were found here, in the bogs of Eire, on savagely murdered mummies just outside of Dub! (If you don't believe me, click that National Geographic link above- they never tell a lie!)
Now I almost feel slightly unpatriotic for not embracing this look fully but what can I say? I like man to be...well, a man!


We Hear...

RTE's new Reality - Charity 'Lords of the Rings' maybe the most unlikely of TV dating shows but for one lucky guy it has proven to be just that!

UK Apprentice star Ben Clarke, is now appearing as one of the 10 celebrity contestants battling it out on the telly programme and as a result of his participation, he enjoyed a romantic date just this week with Eire's own Niamh Walsh.

Dublin's City West hotel was the scene of their first magical meeting when the two attended the first round of the charity competition, in which GAA great Jack Sheedy beat out former Manchester United ace Lee Sharpe.

The gorge Niamh, or Nemo as many friends know her, is currently a full time model and had only gone over to the boxing match to support some friends - but she walked out with much more! "She and Ben instantly hit it off and he invited her out for drinks in Dublin on Saturday night," a friend told The Sunday World

After having drinks together post match Ben invited the model out for a second date and she accepted. No word yet on how the date went but watch this space! Niamh is FAB girl and she deserves nothing but the best! We hope she is happy, whether a third date is in the cards or not and we hope Ben was nothing but a gentleman!

photos - Lili Forberg - http://www.misslili.net/


Model Spotlight... Nadia Forde

Every week I will post a feature on one of the country's more gorgeous and prominent young models that we all know and love. They'll answer questions on life, the industry, style and fashion as well as questions you would like to send in and have answered by a model! This week's spotlight is on the sweetest of ladies, Miss Nadia Forde!
Every week varies it normally consists of Presscalls/photocalls or shoots, Fashion on Ireland AM,events to attend...every day is different!So then, what would be the coolest thing you've done or place you've traveled to as part of modeling?
Oh that is a hard one!! I've travelled to really nice places like Germany and Marbella for shoots and of course all over Ireland! I was in Paris YEARS ago for a Hair Show, it was so beautiful! We even had a boat ride on the Seine river, it was so romantic even though all the guys I was working with there with weren't straight!!
Ladies within Ireland's modeling industry get a lot of press, and not just the photocalls they sign up for! Lately it seems like people focus a lot of attention on your character, and who you are as a person and in your private life, rather than the work you do. That must be tough at times, what do you think is the biggest misconception about you and models in general?
That we dont eat, we do....ALOT!!! ...People judge me before they meet me...
You are photographed out a lot, are you a party girl or actually a homebody who just happens to get snapped often?
I'm not a big party girl at all, although I love girly nights out. I love taking it easy on the weekend and having early nights in! I'm such a granny! Most of the nights out, I'm probably working at the event. What do you like to do when you aren't working, how or where do you go to chill out?
I love removing my makeup!! On most days off I'm just vegging out catching up on cheesy programmes that I love like 'Whose Wedding Is It Anyway?'and I also watch 'Ghost Whisperer' and of course 'The Hills'...I also sleep loads, probably too much!!
Being so beautiful, and a model, you must get loads of attention, how does your boyfriend deal with that? Is he supportive of your modeling? Yes, he is so supportive. He actually playfully jokes with me about some of my more lighthearted shoots and he is really laid back about my lingerie and swimwear shoots. He understands it is a job. It's nice to relax with him on days off and not have all the hair and makeup done. Anything exciting coming up for you -work or otherwise- that you are really looking forward to?Alot of my work is last minute or is only organised a day or two in advance so I dont even know whats coming up next! I love all the jobs though, big or small.
What is the most LUXE item in your personal wardrobe? I have few pairs of expensive shoes so they would prob be the most 'LUXE' and a few dresses but, I live in my jeans!!
Ok here are some quick silly rapid fire questions that I love to get everybody with!
5 Things You Will Not Leave the House Without?
-Baby wipes!!Im addicted to them they are the best invention ever!!-
-My phone-
-Makeup bag (if I'm going to a job)-
-Pair of Ballet Pumps-
FAV place in the whole wide world?
The Ritz in Wicklow, it feels like your in a different country when your down there it really is amazing! FAV smell
New car smell or, I love mens aftershave more then womens perfume!
FAV junk food
Rich tea biscuits!!Ben and Jerry's choc fudge brownie/choc fudge cake
FAV cocktail
Rasberry Collins
FAV Lipgloss "Mac 'BigKiss'

How do you stay in Shape? Aoife 15 Co.Kerry

I'm really lazy when it comes to working out but I try go for a walk 2 or 3 times a week, and I dont eat bread its so bad for your stomach...its so hard to resist sometimes though!!

How do I get my makeup to stay all day long without smearing? Monica 16 Dingle I use alot of Mac Studio Fix Powder to keep my makeup in place and DUO EyeLash Glue is really strong to keep lashes secure.
Which products do you use to keep your face clear?Sharon 15 Limerick
I try use as little as possible. The less chemicals and simpler the product, the better for my skin. But everyones skin is different, it's best to stick to what works for you, No7 Repair and Protect is a great moisturiser for many skin types. www.misslili.net - photos Lili Forberg Next week we will spend a little time with the FAB Suzanne McCabe! Can't Wait!


Many Happy Birthday Wishes to the Beautiful, Glam, Fab and Lovely Pippa O'Connor Today!

2 Minutes With....

...Anne Morgan! The fab Miss Morgan is an Assets model, studying for a degree in Psychotherapy and Director of Absolute School of Modeling...check them out
5 things you won't leave the house without? 1. Laser card
2. iphone 3. Makeup 4. Chewing gum 5. Perfume Last book you read? Unfortunately nothing exciting! As I’m currently studying for my Masters it would be one of Sigmund Freud’s or something academic, I never have time to read anything else! Last thing that made you laugh out loud?
A text message from a friend who clearly knew what she was talking about - "How are boyfriends like lawn mowers? They're hard to get started, they emit noxious odors, and half the time they don't work."
Latest reality show you are hooked on?
I love 'The Hills' but whether its ‘reality’ or not is debatable, failing that, 'Americas Next Top Model'…addictive! Last song you downloaded to your ipod?
Black Eyed Peas I Gotta Feeling….such a feel good song
Last movie you saw?
Duplicity – made so much better by the fact that it starred the gorgeous Clive Owen! Last bit of advice or saying that stuck with you?
"People are always going to form an opinion of you so don’t get caught up in what they may think, they will think it anyway !" Best way to chill out?
A nice jacuzzi bath followed by an early night cuddled up in front of the TV with my boyfriend….simple yet so effective!

Sorry We Missed It...

I missed out on all the fun and glamour at the RDS for the 136th Annual Dublin Horse Show but, that doesn't mean I can't meticulously scan all the pics of the ladies fab fashion!
Best Dressed Lady Award, which was judged by Amy Huberman amongst others, went to Emir Irwin O'Shea of Kerry who's look below was designed by her sisters, Niamh and Clodagh. My absolute FAV (of what I saw) was Lisa Murphy's beautiful butterfly-inspired look!
Hoping everyone had a lovely day out! xxox