You guys honestly have to ask?
Well I am pretty sure the answer is a resounding No.
He is healthy, he is fit, he is a doting father, he is immensely talented and becoming more so everyday and churning out high-quality material!

Acid-washed jeans or not Colin Farrell has NOT lost his Mojo! If he has lost anything it is most likely the stink of day old cider on his breathe, and that is a plus!
It is so refreshing to see pap-snaps of Colin on-set, creating art rather than partying at a night club or faux-snogging Brittany Spears! So lets not question if he is still "one of the world's sexiest men" and rather applaud him for getting healthy and doing Ireland proud as an artist rather than a stereo-type...For what it is worth, we here think Colin is getting sexier with age, maturity and wisdom!

Cheers Colin! Now, go sort JRM out!!