You are ready to hit the town, now you just have to get dressed.
You open your wardrobe door, and are faced with choice - the mini-dress or the maxi? - that is the question!

Both styles are super chic right now and have been seen on countless Celags around the globe but, which choice is bet for you, appropriate for the night and how should you rock it? read on!
There is a tough trick to both these looks, - how do I wear a maxi without looking too covered up and 'nunish'? How do I rock a mini with out looking like a total slag? There is a key requirement and answer for both these questions; wear it with confidence, wear it with class.

Like every outfit, you want to make sure the look in balanced and has a certain amount of symmetry. If you go for a maxi, your top half should be covered up (long sleeves, a cropped jacket, etc.) and so should your feet (meaning shoot for pumps rather than strappy sandals).

If you go for the maxi, stay bare - don't through a cardi on over it cause then you will absolutely be too covered up. If it is too chilly to wear your maxi without putting something over it, wear something else. Now can you slip a cute tailored coat on when you are between car and destination? Of course (see Loraine Keane above) BUT! If you have to wear it all night - no go! With the billowy floaty maxi a high strappy sandal or wedge looks best - just be careful! If your maxi is too maxi and heels are too high you make take a tumble!

I find a mini to be more suitable for a dressier night out - I'm not talking black tie or formal - just a more polished look. The maxi is done best in more casual fabrics, prints and brighter colours. If a maxi is too formal looking, you run the risk of looking like you are headed to the debs.

Embrace your inner boho with the maxi. leave your hair down and in lose waves, pile on some funky bangles and carry that cute purse you picked up in the straw market on hols last year but never really ever expected to wear.

Embrace your inner Carrie in the mini. But one in satin or taffeta, wear a long strand of multi layered pearls a huge cocktail ring, paten leather stillets and something FaB in your hair!

The moral of the story is, show the right amount of flesh and have fun with both trends! Avoid the convent look and the street walker look; wear it with confidence, wear it with class!