In the midst of a slightly shady, and I'm sure incredibly painful divorce, Michelle Heaton arrived on our shores the colour of fanta looking to start a new.

It's a few months later now and we think Ireland has done Michelle a world of good. Though her skin may not quite yet be a colour found in nature, she has toned the tango down loads. She's trimmed her waist, scrapped off a few layers of make up, found love with an Irish boy and we think has even started dressing a bit chicer. Even the bad streaky blond stripes have been replaced with natural looking highlights.

The nails are shorter with a thinner white "french-style" stripe. The eye make up is subdued and we think most nights she's fancied wearing her own lashes with just a bit of BobbiBrown Mascara.
She didn't just blow in here in an attempt to dodge her dodgy marriage and avoid the tabloid storm, she was chosen to be a judge on RTE's You're A Star, and she went down a hit. Michelle became a large attraction and draw for the show, and the Irish public seemed to really embrace her. Once her divorce was finalised Ms. Heaton started embracing one native in particular, a on Mr. Hugh Hanley.

Not much is known bout Hugh, he is in business, some say property development? I have heard that Hanley is "just a quiet, down-to-earth guy" he doesn't drink or party much and is a stickler about his fitness. It has been said that Hanley has been a "really good influence" on the former party girl adding: "She doesn't touch alcohol now, and they spend hours at the gym."
I've started to really like Chellers myself and felt like she was maybe six months away from becoming Ireland's Adopted Sweetheart!
But are we losing her back the British Tabloid scene? I opened the Britain's Daily Mail to see these pictures of Mizz H. with Mizz P. or "Jordan" - as she is apparently reverting back to her old ways.

Don't leave us now Michelle! Your Irish glam-over has only just begun! Come on people give Shelly and her a Hugh votes in this week's poll, maybe it will entice her back!