Describe a typical work week for you as a working Irish model.
Luckily there is no such thing as a typical week in modelling. Every day has something different be it fashion shows, press calls, photo shoots for catalogues/ magazines/ company advertising, launches, openings, competition judging, TV work, interviews or castings. Some weeks will be extremely busy, others will be quieter, at which time it is important to keep busy with client go-sees and portfolio work.
What is the biggest misconception about you? models? or modeling?
Probably the idea that you can't have brains as well as beauty. A lot of the modeling jobs require more organisation and self management than a typical job in a company whereby you are given specific work and micro managed by numerous managers. In Ireland there is a misconception that modelling simply requires standing on Grafton street in a bikini. However, this misconception is probably down to the fact that these photo shoots are the ones that get plastered in papers. There is a lot of other work that gets overseen such as fashion shows, clothing and product marketing, fundraising and charity work.

It comes with the territory. If you are weak skinned then modelling is not the career for you. After a while such commentary, be it negative or positive, rolls off your back. Once you are a strong person who knows your strengths and weaknesses these will serve as your only grounding. Nasty comments say more about the person leaving them than the person they are indicated at.

Is there really a big rivalry between Compton and Assets models or is that just a bunch of smoke?
Is there a rivalry between Compton and Assets? I haven't experienced it to date. Many of my jobs have been inter-agency and we have always gotten on great. It is just a job for us and Ireland is too small a place to be creating enemies. Most of the time we all end up socialising on the weekend together.
Anything exciting coming up for you -work or otherwise- that you are really looking forward to?
I'm really looking forward to the launch of the new PETA anti-fur campaign which is happening this month. I have been chosen as the face of PETA's first Irish campaign, which has previously been done by the likes of Christy Turlington, Pamela Anderson, Eva Mendes, Jamelia etc. It is such a great cause and a good way to get the message across about fur farming in Ireland. It is a little known fact that Ireland has five fur farms, exposing mink and fox to the most cruel existences and death possible.
I am also looking forward to joining up with the Animal Rights Action Network this Thursday to campaign against hare coursing in Ireland.
I have recently moved to Assets modeling agency, which is pretty exciting and I’m really enjoying working with the girls there.

Being so beautiful, and a model, you must get loads of attention, how does your boyfriend deal with that?Is he supportive of your modeling?
My boyfriend was one of the greatest influences in my decision to leave Management Consulting and take on modeling as a new career. He is incredibly supportive and his help and suggestions have always played a massive part in any work I have undertook. He understands that I am able to manage any unwanted attention and will always be close by my side should I need some extra support. On beginning modeling he went so far as to buy a gym for the house (which has only been used a handful of times since then!).

You are photographed out a lot, are you a party girl, or actually a homebody who just happens to get snapped often?
Do I have to be one or the other? I would consider myself as an extroverted introvert, who enjoys a lot of quiet time but needs to get out and enjoy myself over a few drinks with friends regularly. There is nothing I enjoy more than a night in with a vegetarian domino's pizza watching the late late snuggled up with the family (boyfriend, 2 dogs and 2 cats). Then I'm often reminded that you are only young once, so I'll put on my Ginas and hit the town!
What do you like to do when you are not working? How or where do you chill out and unwind?
Right now I'm spending a lot of time with my new pups trying to train them in. They are stubbornly going to the toilet all over the house. Its never pleasant walking barefoot into a fresh one on your way down to breakfast in the morning. I bring them for walks around Marlay Park or down the pier with the girls.

I am definitely a glam girl at heart. Thus, getting paid for taking a greater interest in all of the things I love is an added bonus for me! I'm often asked to do my friends makeup and nails and would consider taking it up professionally at some stage down the line.
What is the most LUXE item in your personal wardrobe?
Ah...Tough one! I don't have one, rather my seven pairs of Gina shoes.I love them all equally! I'm an awful magpie- anything that sparkles I go nuts for.

Define your personal style. Where do you like to shop? Do you have a FAV designer or fashion house?
My style seems to be always re-inventing itself. Its come a long way since my teenage years as a rocker where I'd only be seen in combats, Doc Martins, ripped t-shirts, 'Dennis the Menace jumpers etc. (although some would say it hasn't!!!). I go over to New York once a year to stock up on shopping. For dresses and bling you cant beat Lara Boutique on Dame Lane- their stuff is amazing! My favourite jeans are True Religions and Rock and Republics, but if you don't have the cash to splash you can't beat Bershka for their amazing fitting jeans.

I don't have any specific map planned out for myself. With such a diverse job you never know which route you will end up going down. I have always had an interest in acting and TV work. However, I could end up with my sleeves rolled up, elbow deep in muck if I decide to give 100% of my time to helping animals. One thing I learned in my last career is never to waste time in life doing something you are not happy in.
OK here are some quick silly rapid fire questions to wrap it up;
5 Things You Will Not Leave the House Without?
My two new miniature Yorkie puppies
Nutri Grain Bar!!!

FAV Place in the whole wide world?
Whitehaven Beach, Australia

FAV Smell?
Burning turf - reminds me of growing up down on my Grandparents farm!

FAV Junk-food?
Domino's pizza, Vegetarian Pad Thai, Ben and Jerry's Phish food, pancakes, Cornettos, Marshmallows, Breaded Onion Rings and Mushrooms with Garlic Sauce! Mmmmm!

FAV Cocktail?
I tried a new cocktail in New York this year and have been trying to recreate it since. It was a White Chocolate Martini, where the glass was dipped in melted white chocolate first so it all drips down the side....HEAVEN!
Handbags or shoes?
Shoes! Ginas or Terry de Havillands
Lip gloss or perfume?
Perfume (loving 'Flora' by Gucci at the moment)

Thanks Suzanne! I don't know about any of you but after that I want to pull on a sparkly party dress, eat a cornetto and save a baby seal!
Stay tuned for our next Model Spotlight!