Don't forget that when you splash out on new make up for the autumn months, it is important to keep all your tools at their working best.

Most cosmetic Zionists will assure you that it is of the utmost importance to clean up and condition your make up brushes on a weekly basis. Even I don't subscribe to this, it seems a bit mental, but it is important to keep them tidy!
Though most of the time we apply fresh make up to a spanking clean face, daily and routine touch ups are done to shiny, oily faces, slick with pollutants and germs. After that you stick the brush back into your make up bag or even worse - dip it back into some of your products!

So although I don't feel you need to donate a night each week to the sanitization of your beauty tools, I'm sure you see no why regular cleaning is important!
If you've spent a pretty penny on high end make up brushes you owe it to yourself to care for them properly as washing your brushes will make them last even longer!
Keep reading if you'd like some do it yourself tips for keeping them fresh!

- Start off by running the brush - handle up, bristle down - under some luke warm water in your clean bathroom sink. Swirl the brush in the water until the water runs clean.
- Add a small amount of gentle shampoo in to the palm of your hand and then gently dab the bristle tips into it.
- Rinse your hand and the brush thoroughly and then using a towel, wring out the water from the brush's tip. Make sure you get all the soap and water out of the brush so that it can retain it's original shape. Lay the brushes flat down on a towel to dry for a few hours.
**Always remember to be very careful when you share your make up brushes or pads with a gal pal because it may lead to an icky infection!***