Five things you won't leave home without?
mobile phone


a scarf (useful in schizophrenic climates)

lip balm

my keys to get back in
Last Book You Read?
I am reading Sophie Kinsella's "Remenber Me?" at the moment and loving it!

Last Thing That Made You Laugh Outloud?
My crazy co-workers on The Clinic; very entertaining bunch!

I believe it! Remember Leigh's answer to this question? Definitely had me smiling!
Latest Reality Show You are Hooked On?
America's Next Top Model

Last song you downloaded to your iPod?
Hmmmm, haven't mastered that one yet but if I could download on to my iPod I'd download some of Pink's latest stuff...great songs to go out running to to let off steam!

Last Movie You Saw?
Last Chance Harvey with my Mum! Aw! I love this answer!

Last bit of advice or saying that stuck with you?
"This too shall pass"; good advice if you're having a particularly bad day

Best Way to Chill Out?
Watching telly flicking through a magazine with a cup of tea!