So now you've got all this empty space in your wardrobe and drawers but, can you shop again? I mean we are in a recessions people!! It is all over the news! Shouldn't I be hoarding any and all cash I have in a shoe box under my bed?
Well yes and no! Yes you can shop! No - do not hide your money in your flat that is a seriously bad idea for numerous reasons!
Back to the shopping! During your previous great wardrobe purge, you may have parted with more than just pieces too trendy and what not. You may have gotten rid of some items that you love and can't live without but had gotten into raggy shape. These are the first things you need to shop for.
So, stay organized!
Start out by making a list. There are staples that you need in your collection, they make life, and getting dressed in the morning, easier and more fabulous!

When we've talked to some of Ireland's fashion and style elite we've asked them what their essentials for all are. Fionnuala Bourke suggested good bras and undergarments, noting the importance of how they make your body look and the rest of your clothing fit. She also said to always have on hand some "sexy high heels,a pair of jeans that you feel amazing in, and...you're good to go!" Darren Kennedy suggested it is wise to to invest in a "good coat, shoes, grooming".
So, time to make the list. Get out a pad and make three columns with the following headers;
Need, Want, Love!
The Need Column are the staples. Really try to limit to to multipurpose essentials and versatile pieces that will make you work and social life glamorous and easy. Our suggestions?
- wel tailored black pants
- the perfect pencil skirt
- a crisp white shirt
- pumps that go from day to night
- the perfect LBD
- interview ready suit(if your line of work calls for it)
We also agree with Fionnuala and Darren, good jeans are a must have. Find a pair that fit you well and make your ass look great and buy it tow or three different washes and/or styles. These will save your life over and over again. 

A really good, warm, high quality yet fashionable and well fitting coat is a big must. We all know the weather here, you can't get away with not having a coat. Spend the money and get one that you like, looks good, does it's job and you can wear to the club, to the office and the shop.