...all things Fab about all things Irish!
Residence, St. Stephen's Green, was awash of Celags and Fabu types Wednesday evening! A-Listers abound to toast the opening of Total Management Ireland. Tara O'Connor, resident PR goddess was surrounded by friends and clients alike to support and celebrate her new business venture.
One gorge attendee told me that the evening was all about 80s for many of the glam ladies in attendance, rocking new spins on some of the decades most prized fashion trends: "sculpted shoulder pad jackets [were] the must have item. Rosanna Davison wore hers emblazoned with sequins, whilst Xpose presenter Lisa Cannon opted for a sleek black style, and model Laura Toogood wore hers in striking purple"
Claudine Palmer was full on WAG-alicious donning a Roberto Cavalli dress and embellished stilettos but her best accessory? Mum Joan!
Hayley Rock was demure pairing her classy dress with Chanel pearls, totally hott single lady Leigh Arnold chose this season's sex on a stick slashed leggings while Andrea Roche, who happened to being doing double celebratory duty, arrived with husband PJ Mansfield looking fabulous, relaxed and beautiful!
Not enough mega-watt glam you say? Also partying it up on the night, Assets models Diana Donnelly and Suzanne McCabe, Katie-Jane Goldin, Virginia Macari, and Chloe Arnold, arm in arm with hottie boyfriend and music star, Justin Manville. Jealous yet? We know we are...xxox!