HAIR COLOUR: dark brown
EYE COLOR: brown
HEIGHT: 5'9"
BIRTH DATE:12th December
PEOPLE SAY YOU LOOK LIKE: not sure really, not Irish any way....
LIFELONG DREAM: To continue to be happy and healthy. Live life to the full and never compromise!
BEST BEAUTY SECRET: Drink plenty of water.
BEST CONFIDENCE-BOOSTING TIP: learn to like yourself,if you don't, how can anyone else like you?
WORDS TO LIVE BY:" However I may appear to be, the power and strength of the universe rests in me". Some people will try to bring you down but know that its only their insecurities and unhappiness driving their negativity.
ROLE MODEL/IDOL: I suppose my beautiful mummy, she is just wonderful!
MOST EMBARRASSING MODEL MOMENT: My stiletto coming off on the runway for a very big designers show.... won’t say who but they know who they are!!!!
I LOVE MODELING BECAUSE: Modeling is something that just happened for me, I didn't set out to be a model. I was scouted when I was 15 and it just went from there. I have always loved fashion and knew that something in it was always going to be a career possibility for me, so what better way than modeling to get contacts and get a feel for the industry! Modeling has given me the opportunity to make great friends, wear beautiful creations, meet such interesting and talented people, to see the world and of course not work conventional hours!
How do you stay in shape? (Aoife, 17, Mayo)
I not very disciplined about exercising religiously, I hate the gym. I find it really boring and monotonous. I do love walking; I try to walk 3 times a week. I especially enjoy going for hill walks in the countryside. I do that most weekends. I also practice yoga every week. I find it really beneficial for calming my mind down and strengthening my core area.
How do I get my makeup to stay all day long without smearing? (Gemma, 15, Enniscorthy)
I'm not a massive makeup wearer when I'm not working to be quite honest, however when working on shoots etc the makeup artists tell me that a good primer is really effective for long lasting coverage. Laura Mercier do a great one that you put on before your base.

I don't have a particular product that I use, I'm always rushing or trying new products all the time. I would recommend drinking plenty of water-about 6-8 glasses a day minimum. Also eating lots of fresh fruit and veg is a must to flush out any toxins that may be giving you spots etc.

Models' skin always looks so soft and clear. My skin is rough, and lotion just doesn't seem to help. How do I get my skin to have such a healthy glow? (Sinéaid, 17, Listowel)
Well, what you see in magazines is never a true reflection of the models skin in reality. Lots of the time Ad campaigns and editorials are airbrushed giving the illusion of flawlessness, lighting and a great makeup team also are imperative for the overall look. However having said that models entire career is based on their appearance- they must be a blank canvas for the "artist" to work on. Looking after your skin is imperative and a must in this business. I would recommend exfloliating 3 times a week, if you don't have a good exfoliator or don't want to the spend money, use a wet warm face cloth and gently scrub it over your face. It should get rid of any gunk from daily debris. Then use an alcohol free toner to close your pores and finish with a light moisturiser.
MORE TIPS TRICKS AND INSPIRATIONAL WORDS TO COME FROM THE LOVELY CHLOE ARNOLD! And Please stay tuned, Chlo0e has her own website CoCoStyle.ie that will be up and running within the next few weeks!